Monday, October 5, 2009

E's New Job

Eric found himself being offered a new job at a large agency in season 6. Discovering that Sloan was the one who recommended him to the president of the agency, he was hesitant to take the offer. Now I know he takes the offer, but I'm wondering if the reason he got the job was because of something other then his skill as a agent. Perhaps having Vince a new client was what this agency really wanted and if that meant hiring Eric, then that's what had to be done. I guess even with saying that, it could be a good opportunity for Eric to learn to business and gain valuable experience for his future in Hollywood.

But thats just my opinion.

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Vince's Entourage?

You may have noticed that in season 6 of Entourage, things have started to change with the boys. In the past it was always about Vince while the boys followed in his shadow. But now each of them have seemed to find their own spotlights. Eric is an agent at new firm, Turtle is back at school to learn to operate his business idea all while dating Jamie lynn Sigler, and Drama is staring on a hit TV series. This season does not seem to be about Vince anymore, instead it's about how all the other boys are making real men of themselves. I personally enjoys the change and twist it brings to the series, it definitely has kept the loyal Entourage fans interested and exciting about this season.

But thats just my opinion.

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The Annoying Girlfriend

So if follow HBO's hit series Entourage, then you already know of Eric's latest girlfriend Ashley. Now right from the beginning I have had a bad taste in my mouth about this girl. She appears as the girlfriend that no guy wants. She strikes me as clingy, annoying and, well, I think shes crazy! And with saying all of this she appears much younger then 24 as she says she is. In my opinion, Eric should get back with his past girlfriend Sloan.

But that's just my opinion.

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